My Fingers

Musical activities: Lead the chant as you did week 12. Work together to describe fingers. Suggested questions: How do our fingers move in this chant? Are they heavy? Do they wiggle around a lot or stay very still? Will they stroke the cat really hard or really gently? Lead the chant, modeling the various weights of each […]

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Winding and Winding

Musical activities: Directed Vocal Movement: • Spin your hands. Start low and gradually move them higher. Say “wooo”, and move your voice upward as a reflection of the movement. • Bring your hands and voice back down. • Repeat several times. • Play a game, moving partially up/down and all the way up/down. • If […]

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New River Train

Musical activities: Lead the activity as in week 16. Sing a cappella or turn on Observe the children carefully. Are they moving accurately to the duple meter? Are they singing with accurate pitch or following the contour of the song?

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Owl and the Cuckoo

Musical activities: Play the metal part of a pair of finger cymbals once making them ring. Ask the class to slowly stretch their arms up as long as the sound is heard. Click the wooden handles together one time.* Ask the class to wiggle, and stop when the sound stops. Repeat steps 1 & 2 […]

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Musical activities: Lead the rhyme as you did in previous weeks. Take out a pitched instrument* asking the children to crouch down. Play an ascending line as the snowman and children grow taller, and a descending line as the children and snowman melt away. A step bell set works great for this activity allowing for […]

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Come and Dance

Musical activities: Stand. Make a circle and distribute scarves. Turn on  Lead the dance: •  Wave your flag in and out of the circle to the macrobeat •  Twirl the scarf and spin like a helicopter •  Repeat Invite a few children into the center of the circle for free dance, play, and exploration with […]

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Hot Chocolate

Musical activities: Open with “Mmmm…” while rubbing your tummy. Vary the inflection of your voice. Repeat several times. Clap to the macrobeat and sing the song. Pat your tummy to the microbeat from “It’s yum…” and use jazz hands when singing, “Ooo…, so good!” Repeat with different movements and variations for the beginning section. Ask the children for ideas. […]

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New River Train

Musical activities: Stand. Make a circle. Blow your whistle. Repeat several times, and assess the children’s vocal placement. Walk to the macrobeat, moving your arms as if they are the train wheels. Change directions, and move to the microbeat. Continue with train variations. Observe carefully to determine whether your class is ready to move from the circle or do […]

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Wee Willie Winkie

Musical activities: Distribute sticks. Turn on  Tap to the macrobeat the first time. Tap to the microbeat the second time. Incorporate stick variations. Continue tapping first to the macrobeat, then the microbeat. Keep the movement the same both times. Observe the children as they move. Are they changing the spacing to reflect the change in the size of the beat? Continue […]

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Musical activities: Vocal play: Wiggle your fingers and make a matching silly, vocal sound. Start and Stop game: • Begin your vocal play and stop abruptly. Repeat several times. • Allow children to direct the game. Recite the rhyme: •1st phrase: tap lap to the microbeat • 2nd phrase: rock to the macrobeat as you nap • 3rd phrase: pack snow, moving […]

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