The Celebration Dance

Musical activities: Distribute jingle bells. Play Freeze: Shake bells and say, “freeze,” and everyone freezes. If you do not already have a nonverbal cue representing freeze for your class, create one with them now. Invite volunteer leaders to lead the freeze game using movement. Turn on  Shake to the beat through the verse. Shake over your head during the […]

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Hurt My Toe

Musical activities: Lead the activity as you did week 19. Incorporate high, low, loud, and soft variations. Rhythm patterns   Ask if anyone would like to give the class a rhythm pattern.

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In the Ring

Musical activities: Distribute chickitas. Ask children to show different motions they could use for the refrain. Turn on  Sing and play using chickita variations. Substitute children’s names for the child in the ring (Johnny’s in the ring). When the track ends, choose a volunteer to go into the ring. Tap your shakers to the rhythm of the child’s […]

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See How I’m Jumping

Musical activities: Lead as you did week 18. Invite a volunteer director to choose the activity and determine the length of the fermata and rest, using their movement to show the group when to start and stop. Ask the leader: Did we start and stop when you asked? (Only a yes or no answer is appropriate.) […]

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Three Crows

Musical activities: Flap your wings and caw several times. Caw the children a question. Allow them to respond simultaneously. Partner up. Ask and answer questions as crows. Lead the activity as you did in lesson plan 13. Tonal patterns 

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Wee Willie Winkie

Musical activities: Distribute sticks. Turn on  Tap the sticks to the macrobeat during the verse. Tap to the microbeat during the refrain. Repeat, choosing a new stick variation at the start of each new verse. Continue to play to the macrobeat during the verse and the microbeat during the refrain. Continue a cappella. Alternate between loud and soft variations. Use dramatic body movements […]

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Hurt My Toe

Musical activities: Vocal play: Rub your toe and whine. Repeat several times, varying starting inflection. Tap your toes to the microbeat and begin the chant. Clap your hands from “Now it’s fine” to the end. Repeat steps 1-3 several times, changing the body part each time. Vary the macrobeat and microbeat as you tap the body parts. Ask the children ideas. Rhythm […]

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Winding and Winding

Musical activities: Lead as you did week 17. Incorporate fast and slow variations to practice musical tempo change adjusting lyrics as suggested. • Slow: Sing the song slowly ending with “Let’s take a nap.” Lyric variations: “creep like a bug,” “let’s write our name.” • Fast: “running a race,” “tickle my friend,” “ski down the hill,” “throw […]

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In the Ring

Musical activities: Distribute shakers. Sing the song through several times incorporating shaker variations. Use the same movement for the refrain each time. Split into two groups. Tell each group whether they will be the verse or refrain. • Group 1: Play accompaniment for the verse (allow a student director to choose the movement) • Group 2: Play accompaniment for […]

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See How I’m Jumping

Musical activities: Stand up. Turn on  or lead with guitar, tambourine, or a cappella Jump to the microbeat. On “still” wiggle to represent the fermata. Say freeze and pause to reflect the rest. Repeat with other large movements.

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