Spin and Roll

Musical activities: Turn on Spin your arms around each other through the first verse. Walk fingers along your body to the microbeat. Partner up. Clap to the beat when you get to your spot. Clap hands with your partner. Row boats together. Rock side to side. Set expectations for ball play when the music stops. […]

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Lima Lima

Musical activities: Make raindrops with your fingers from the middle of your body to the floor. Say “deedle, deedle, dee,” to match the length of the first phrase of the song. Repeat. Reach up and start your raindrops way above your head and say, “deedle, deedle” through the length of the third phrase. Using a high to a low voice […]

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New River Train

Musical activities: Blow your whistle and form a circle. Repeat whistle blowing several times. Encourage the children to blow their whistles, and listen carefully to ensure they are using healthy vocal technique. Use your arms as the train wheels as you move to the beat of the song. Chug to the right and change direction […]

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Hurt My Toe

Musical activities: Rub your toe and whine, “Ohhh.” Repeat with different body parts. Expand the vocal play by including “owwww, uhhhh, aaaaahhh, etc” in low, middle, and high ranges to encourage vocal exploration and flexibility. Tap your toes to the microbeat as you recite. Encourage the children to move to the beat throughout. Clap your hands on […]

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Fire Call

Musical activities: Stand. Make a siren sound and circle your arm up high to sound the alarm. Sing a cappella or turn on  Drive the firetruck around the circle or give the children freedom to drive throughout the room on the opening refrain. For each phrase, act out the movements indicated in the lyrics: • Get on the fire gear: […]

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My Fingers

Musical activities: Begin with varied voice play as in the video. Repeat a few times. Recite the chant. Be sure to reflect the mood of each phrase with your facial expression.• Reach up high: reach as in the opening voice play• Stroke the soft cat: stroke one arm in the middle space• Jump: bounce fingers […]

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My Fingers

Musical activities: Pump arms up high and simultaneously say, “Reach, reach, reach.” Move arms to the macrobeat. • Reach: pump arms high over your head to the macrobeat. • Stroke: softly stroke one hand with the other. • Jump: jump fingers high off your lap or floor. • Tickle: tickle yourself or one of the […]

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Dancing Scarecrow

Musical activities: Use the scarecrow movement you decided upon in lesson plan 7. Sing the song incorporating variations. Sing be an elephant (“I’m just a great big elephant, stomping so slow…”) as one of your variations. Sing much more slowly. After this variation, stop and tell the children you changed tempo (speed) to largo, which […]

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Playin’ on My Drum

Musical activities: Distribute instruments and  Begin as in lesson plan five with drum variations until the end of the song. Create a thunderstorm. Collect drums and ask children to explore the room to find things that might make good sounds for the thunderstorm (ex: drum on the floor for thunder, swirl pencils in a cup for […]

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Lots of Leaves

This objective is intentionally repeated, as it will take many repetitions for the children to achieve the goal.  Musical activities: Repeat as you did week 7. Tonal patterns Presentation ideas: music play

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