October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Distribute bears. Sing, and rock bears to macrobeat. Observe children moving with accurate spacing. Extend a cappella, using nonsense syllables. • Lift bears up and down • Swing bears side to side • Enhance body awareness: tap knees, toes, head, etc Collect bears.
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Vocal play: Shake jazz hands near face while singing the first note on “ah.” Stop with a pat on knees. Repeat several times, encouraging the children to join in. Sing a cappella or turn on Sing several times. Suggested repeated movements each time words repeat: • A ram sam sam…: Clap hands (macrobeat) […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Stand up. Sound the train whistle, “Whoo, whoo!” Repeat several times, encouraging children to join in. Invite children to get on the train. Turn on Use arms as train wheels while marching around the room. Alternate between microbeat and macrobeat with feet, changing at the start of each verse. Model and observe spacing and consistent […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Distribute finger cymbals.* Lead the introductory short-long sound play as in lesson plan 5 for the value of repetition. Sing a cappella, or turn on Hold finger cymbals to your ear and mouth, like holding a phone. Begin singing the song, rocking left and right to the macrobeat. Tap finger cymbals together on the macrobeat. On […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Pull back on horse’s reins. Say, “Whoa!” Repeat several times, inviting children to join in. Lead the rhyme twice, using the following movements: a. Repeated phrase: Bump, bump • Pat lap • Bounce body to 6/8 triple meter b .Verses • Farm fields: Pat lap, bounce body • Picking apples: Pick apples overhead, […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Create a rainstorm as in lesson plan 13 for the value of repetition. Distribute drums.* Turn on Incorporate microbeat and macrobeat with developmentally appropriate drum variations and ideas from children. Continue a cappella. Tiptoe fingers on drum head. Sing softly. Beat drum head. Sing loudly. Cover face with drum. Sing, “Oh, peek-a, peek-a-boo, oh, peek-a-boo, boo, oh, peek-a-boo, boo…” Lightly beat drum head while singing resting tone. […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Turn on and sing along, or sing a cappella. Use the following movements: • Skip to my Lou: Skip* and clap. • Little red wagon: Bounce • Skip to my Lou: Skip and clap Choose a new large movement variation at the start of each new verse and adapt lyrics to match. Ex: “Turn, turn, turn to my Lou…” Use […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Opening: • Tap top of head singing “ding” on A (sol*). • Tap knees singing “dong” on D (do*). • Repeat several times to represent high-low visual placement of the notes. Sing a cappella. Continue movement above. Rock (macrobeat), and sing a nonsense syllable. Distribute finger cymbals. Turn on Tap to macrobeat. On repeat, switch to microbeat, and sing a nonsense syllable. Variations: finger cymbals. Include children’s […]
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October 28, 2020
Musical activities: Lead as in Week 13 for the value of repetition. Rhythm patterns Presentation ideas: music play. Observe the children’s spontaneous responses.
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October 13, 2020
Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Children choose an instrument playing freely to build confidence in improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Collect instruments.
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