The Jolly Miller

Musical activities: Turn on   Lead as in week 10, for the value of repetition, inviting the children to choose the movement for the refrain instead of turning in place. Evaluate and improve upon performance after the first repetition by asking, “Are you happy with the movement we used, or should we try something else?” Alt: “Does our […]

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Musical activities:   Distribute shakers. Vocal play: Raise shakers overhead with an ascending “Whoo!” Lower shakers with descending “Whoo!” Repeat several times. Explain: “Kwaheri means goodbye in Swahili. This is a goodbye song from Kenya,* which is one of the places where people speak Swahili.” Play along using shaker variations. Turn on . • Move to the macrobeat through […]

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Wiggle Chant

Musical activities:  Lead as in week 10. Say, “We’re going to say the rhyme again with a challenge. We’re not going to say the word wiggle! We are going to keep our bodies moving the whole time, because the music keeps going even though it’s silent.” Repeat the rhyme, incorporating audiation. Place index finger on lips to indicate […]

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Raisins and Almonds

Musical activities: Sing a cappella or turn on Sing, and rock left and right to the macrobeat one time through. Show and play two instruments: drum (harsh and loud) and finger cymbals (gentle and soft). When the drum is played, ask for qualities of the sound: long or short, loud or soft, etc. Ask the children to […]

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Shalom Chaverim

Musical activities: Lead as in week 3 for the value of repetition. *Note: If short on time, use body percussion in place of jingle bells, or omit this activity, if necessary. Be sure to leave enough time for the extended activities in the lullaby

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The Jolly Miller

Musical activities: Turn on   Dance playfully,  using movement to reflect musical form as follows: • Verse: (There was a jolly miller) New large movement on every repeat. • Refrain (La, la): Turn in place (repeat every time)   Incorporate all areas of space with large movement variations. Suggestions:• Reach and play (high) •  Kick and play (low) […]

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Draw Me a Bucket of Water

Musical activities:  Distribute  rhythm sticks. Vocal play: Play an imaginary air drum. Move arms and voice slowly above head on “oo.” Reverse to return to floor. Repeat several times. Move around the room, making eye contact and encouraging each child. Turn on Lead as in week 9 for the value of repetition. Ask children how they would like to play, inviting their creation of a new […]

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Wiggle Chant

Musical activities:  Opening: Playfully wiggle thumbs and body accompanied by a quick “oo” or similar sound. Continue with fingers, arms and legs. Wiggle each body part in the rhyme, alternating between macrobeat and microbeat. Additional variations: fingers-tickle, arms-hug, nose-wiggle, hands-clap Rhythm patterns  Presentation ideas: music play. Observe children’s responses. After a few whole-group repetitions, ask for a student volunteer to […]

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Musical activities: Distribute rhythm sticks.  Turn on and play along using rhythm stick variations. • Move to the macrobeat throughout the song.  • On repeat, use the same variation, and move to the microbeat. • On subsequent repetitions, change the initial consonant.  Continue a cappella. Observe children to see whether they are attempting variations or continuing the same movement throughout. This is one way […]

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Clap Your Hands

Musical activities: Stand. Sing a cappella, or turn on Sing along. Clap and bounce to microbeat. Stretch out arms and turn in place on “la, la, la” section to reinforce musical form.  Choose a new large movement variation at the start of each new verse, and adapt lyrics to match. Use variations to highlight dynamics. (Ex: Stomping – […]

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