Three Crows

Musical activities: Flap your wings and caw like a crow.   Sing the song. Use movement to reflect the crow’s actions. • Verse 1: Hold 3 fingers up behind your arm. Rock to the macrobeat. • Verse 2: Palms of hands together. Move hands side to side to the macrobeat. • Verse 3: Arms around yourself and shake to the microbeat. • Verse […]

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Hey, Ho Nobody’s Home

Musical activities: Pull the cord of a bell, and sing ding, dong on the pitches you would sing hey, ho. Move to the macrobeat. Sing the song while moving to the macrobeat. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using the microbeat. Continue using small movement variations and nonsense syllables. Distribute the bells*. Allow the children to play any way they would […]

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‘Liza Jane

Musical activities: Stand. Turn on  Choose a movement to repeat each time you sing the refrain. This can be done ahead of time or in collaboration with the children. Sing and move in response to the verses on the recording: • Go with me: Walk • Hold me tight: Hug yourself and twist • Dance […]

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El Coqui

Musical activities: Distribute castanets. Turn on  Play a new way for each repetition of the song: verse–macrobeat, refrain–microbeat until the end. Sing a cappella substituting a new nonsense syllable in each repetition of the verse. Return to the coqui for the refrain. Invite the children to suggest nonsense syllables and ways to play the castanets. Incorporate loud and soft variations. Resting […]

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Turtle on the Rock

Musical activities: Rub your arms and say, “brrr.”   1st & 2nd phrases: rock side to side tapping your lap to the macrobeat  3rd phrase: continue tapping your lap to the microbeat  4th phrase: point both index fingers out shaking them to the microbeat  “Mmm.., cozy!”: Tuck your head under your arms and hide like a turtle   Repeat incorporating high/low voice contrasts:  – High/low contrasts: Make two fists and tap on the floor. Chant […]

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Musical activities: Distribute finger cymbals. Turn on Tap your cymbals to the macrobeat. Tap to the microbeat. Alternate between macrobeat and microbeat as you continue using finger cymbal variations. Be sure to use some long sounds and some short sounds. Continue a cappella. (Short on time? Skip this step.) Tap your cymbals together and move for as long as you hear sound. Tap […]

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Three Crows

Musical activities: Flap your wings and caw like a crow. Sing the song. Use movement to reflect the crow’s actions. • Verse 1: Hold 3 fingers up behind your arm or pat laps. Rock to the macrobeat. • Verse 2: Palms of hands together with fingers pointing front. Move hands side to side to the […]

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Lima Lima

Musical activities: Put on your hat, and line up (teacher as leader) to get on a safari ride! Note: This video begins sitting down, but can easily be converted to a large movement beginning. Turn on  Lead the children in a line around the room on the canoe. Allow them to wander freely around the […]

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Musical activities: Distribute shakers and turn on  Use shaker variations as you sing and play. Vary between macrobeat and microbeat. Continue a cappella. Ask the children for ideas. Incorporate loud and soft variations. Resting tone play.  

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My Fingers

Musical activities: Wiggle your fingers and make a silly sound to match the movement.  Start and then stop the movement of this opening voice play abruptly, creating a start-and-stop game. Repeat several times.   Lead the chant as you did in lesson plan 11.  Rhythm patterns.

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