Bunny Song

Musical activities: Sing the song a cappella, reflecting the mood and feelings of each verse:  •  Hopping: jump fingers up and down your body to the microbeat  •  Sniff: tap your nose to the microbeat  •  Sneaking: creep arms to macrobeat  •  Chomping on some food: hands to your mouth as if eating  •  Someone’s […]

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Hey, Jack

Musical activities: Lead as you did week 22. Play a dyad game: During the “swing, swing, swing” section, children hold hands and swing arms with a partner. During the verse, children share variations for large movements. (If your class is older, you might consider switching partners during the verse.) Sit down.

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In the Ring

Musical activities: Lead as you did week 23. Allow the children to move freely during the refrain. Observe to see what types of sounds and movements they are using to create their accompaniments. Collect the shakers.

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Spring is a Poppin’

Musical activities: Lead the activity as you did week 22. Tell the children you are going to keep “spring is a poppin” in your head. Each time you’re going to say that phrase, you’ll continue the movement, but you’ll say it in your brain instead of out loud. Repeat the chant, audiating “spring is a poppin.” Continue the movement, but make […]

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Kitchen Band

Musical activities: Place kitchen equipment in the center of the circle. Ask a volunteer to choose and decide how to use it to make music. Ask for a volunteer to find another way to play the same item. Repeat if time. Remind the children of the found sounds games you have played, pointing out that […]

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Bunny Song

Musical activities: Stand up. Sniff around the room as if you are a bunny. Sing and use your movements and expressions to reflect the changing mood of each verse. Observe the children carefully to assess their progress with this skill. • Hopping: jump to microbeat • Sniff: tap your nose and walk to microbeat • Sneaking: […]

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In the Ring

Musical activities: Distribute chickitas. Ask children to share different motions they could use for the refrain.  Turn on Sing and play using chickita variations. Substitute children’s names for the child in the ring (Charlotte’s in the ring). At the end of a song repetition, pause the music. Choose a volunteer to go into the ring. Tap your shakers […]

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Musical activities: Slide hands together in a short, short, long pattern and say, “ah, ah, chooooooo.” Reach way out on the long sound representing more space. Repeat several times.  Opening movement:   Pat lap    pat lap    lift hands high and shake hands down (all of these movement happen on “1.”)   1 – 2         1 – 2        1 […]

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The Wind Blew East

Musical activities: Distribute scarves. Turn on  Follow the contour of the melody line with your scarf for the opening of the song:”Oh, the wind blew east, ooo, ooo. The wind blew west, ooo, ooo.” Move freely as you sing what the wind blew to town. Use visual imagery as appropriate. Ask the children what else the wind might blow into town (Mommy, cheerios, doggie, etc) […]

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Sandy Land

Musical activities: Act out each verse as you sing this song. Turn on  or sing a cappella • Clap your hands and sing the first verse. • Raise potatoes: Pull potatoes to the double macrobeat • Paint the barn: Use hands as paintbrushes. Move to microbeat • Bake fresh bread: Rolling pin with both hands […]

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