
Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Children choose an instrument playing freely to build confidence in improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Collect instruments.  

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Down by the Station

Musical activities: Vocal play: Lead as in lesson plan 29. Lead with guitar, tambourine, shakers, or body percussion (recommended) or turn on March around singing in a circle moving to the macrobeat. On the repeat, change direction. On the next repetition, pause to blow your whistle and change direction moving to the microbeat. On the […]

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Hey, Jack

Musical activities: Distribute the shakers. Turn on Sing “Shake your shakers, hey, Jack…” playing on the macrobeat. Shake freely on the refrain with microbeat: “Swing, swing…” and show the picture of the dancing children representing the refrain always being the same. Additional verses: create a new way to play or place to tap on the […]

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The Beehive

Musical activities: Vocal play: follow lesson plan 26 encouraging all children to participate. Make your beehive. Recite the rhyme and move as instructed in lesson plan 26. Repeat rhyme using a soft voice and complimentary rocking. Use a loud voice on “they’re alive” with big movements. Rhythm patterns Encourage the children to repeat the patterns. […]

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Down by the Station

Musical activities: Vocal play: Encourage everyone to say, “Whoo, whoo!” Repeat several times keeping voices in a high place for modeling. Lead with guitar, tambourine, shakers, or body percussion (recommended) or turn on March around singing in a circle moving to the macrobeat. On the repeat, change direction. On the next repetition, pause to blow […]

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Hey, Jack

Musical activities: Distribute the shakers. Turn on Sing “Shake your shakers, hey, Jack…” playing on the macrobeat. Shake freely on the refrain with microbeat: “Swing, swing…” and show the picture of the dancing children representing the refrain always being the same. Additional verses: create a new way to play or place to tap on the […]

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Five Little Peas

Musical activities: Lift each finger counting to five. Repeat with the other hand. Plant the peas making a fist and covering it with the other hand. Begin rhyme. Rock planted peas side to side on the macrobeat. Raise each finger of the covered hand while counting the growing peas. Crescendo starting softy with hands close […]

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Letting Go

Musical activities: Remain standing. Explore different areas of space: Everyone reach up high to the sky and wiggle your fingers. Seated children can still be encouraged to reach up with the familiar “so big” movement. Crouch down and find your toes for low space. Stand up and pat your belly for middle space, saying, “Ha, […]

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Sandy Land

Musical activities: Make my livin’: begin seated clapping and rocking maintaining steady beat at all times while singing. Raise potatoes: pat floor Paint: sweep arms up and down together Bake: push your arms out in front of you like rolling dough or slide hands on lap for a more tactile experience Wash: make circles with […]

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Ging Gong Gooli

Musical activities: Distribute finger cymbals. Engage the children in a variety of ways to play this instrument. Create a sound with each new movement. Turn on Tap the cymbals together. Alternate playing on macrobeat and microbeat on each repeat substituting a different consonant to begin the lyrics such as: “ning, nong, nooli”, or “ting, tong, […]

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