Toybox – JamRound™

Musical activities: Distribute instruments Turn on Encourage the children to play freely to the music encouraging improvisation and spontaneous movement to the beat and rhythms. Collect instruments.

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Toybox – JamRound™

Musical activities: Distribute instruments Turn on Encourage the children to play freely to the music encouraging improvisation and spontaneous movement to the beat and rhythms. Collect instruments.

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Musical activities: Rock and sing with each child. Crawlers and children beginning to move may not want to be held. Rub their backs gently to the beat or allow them to watch and listen.

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Clap Your Hands

Musical activities: Lead with guitar, tambourine, a cappella, or turn on  Clap and bounce to the macrobeat during the verse. Refrain: Take little steps in place to the microbeat. Repeat steps 2-3 twice, holding each child in turn. Incorporate large movement variations during the verses. Keep the refrain throughout. Tonal Patterns

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El Coqui

Musical activities: Set up for a group activity. Distribute castanets. Turn on Demonstrate how to tap your castanet on the floor during the first repetition. Play your castanet with each child through one repetition. Resting tone play*: Place castanet in your palm; tap top quickly with the other hand while singing the resting tone. Collect […]

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Musical activities: Vocal play: Roll hands to your lap from overhead. Use a gentle descending “ah” voice play. Run your fingers down the baby’s backs. Repeat encouraging a vocal response from the children. 1st & 2nd phrases: Pat your lap to the macrobeat. 3rd & 4th phrases: Clap hands to the microbeat,  gradually lifting them […]

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Noisy and Quiet

Musical activities: Turn on   or sing a cappella Dance to the beat with each child as follows:~  Loud: march or twist strongly to the macrobeat*~  Soft: tiptoe quietly around the room 3. Tonal patterns 

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El Coqui

Musical activities: Set up for a group activity. Distribute castanets. Turn on Demonstrate how to tap your castanet on the floor during the first repetition. Play your castanet with each child through one repetition. Resting tone play*: Place castanet in your palm; tap top quickly with the other hand while singing the resting tone. Collect […]

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Turtle on the Rock

Musical activities: Lead the chant, using tactile stimulation with each child:• 1st & 2nd phrases: tap the child’s torso to the macrobeat.• 3rd & 4th phrases: tap the child’s torso to the microbeat.• “Mmm.., cozy!”: Rub the child’s belly in a circular motion saying, “Mmm.., cozy!” Rhythm patterns

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