Bunny Song

Musical activities: Pick up one child at a time to move. • Hop: on macrobeat • Sniff: wiggle your body • Sneak: tiptoe around to macrobeat • Chomping: Stomp to macrobeat • Coming: tiptoe to microbeat • Added fun: On the last verse repeat “He runs, and runs…” a few more times. Freeze after each […]

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Police Car

Musical activities: Sound your sirens, but not too loudly! Repeat several times inviting all children to join in. Turn on Refrain: Clap hands, and rock body to microbeat remaining seated. Verse one: • Traffic problems: Push hands out in front of you and back to your chest on the marcobeat. • Doggy’s lost: Bounce “paws” […]

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Five Little Peas

Musical activities: Lift each finger counting to five. Repeat with the other hand. Plant the peas making a fist and covering it with the other hand. Begin rhyme. Rock planted peas side to side on the macrobeat. Raise each finger of the covered hand while counting the growing peas. Crescendo starting softy with hands close […]

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Wee Willie Winkie

Musical activities: Distribute sticks. Turn on Tap the sticks or shake jingle bells alternating between the macrobeat for the verse and microbeat on the refrain throughout this aeolian song. Continue a cappella with changes in dynamics: sing loudly on the verse with a matching movement, contrasted with soft singing on the refrain and small instrument […]

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Bunny Song

Musical activities: Stand up and act like a bunny for the children. Turn on sing a cappella • Hop: Hop, bounce or jump around the room. • Sniff: Walk around sniffing. • Sneak: Tiptoe around the room switching dynamics to soft singing. • Chomping: Pretend to pick flowers or vegetables and eat.• Coming: Walk around […]

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Police Car

Musical activities: Sound your sirens, but not too loudly! Repeat several times inviting all children to join in. Refrain: Clap hands and rock body to microbeat remaining seated. Verse one: • Traffic problems…: Push hands out in front of you and back to your chest on the marcobeat. • Doggy’s lost…: Bounce “paws” in front […]

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Five Little Peas

Musical activities: Lift each finger counting to five. Repeat with the other hand. Plant the peas by making a fist and covering it with the other hand. Begin rhyme. Rock planted peas side to side on the macrobeat. Raise each finger of the covered hand while counting the growing peas. Crescendo: start softly, opening closed […]

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Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Everyone choose an instrument and play freely to the music. This will encourage improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Very young infants: Tap to the beat on their legs. Collect instruments.  

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The Celebration Dance

Musical activities: Turn on  Clap hands on “dai, dai..” section to the microbeat. Rock your body side to side to the macrobeat during the “la, la, la” section. Pick up one child and dance with him having him feel the vigor of this song. Go up to another child and interact while holding the first […]

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Wee Willie Winkie

Musical activities: Distribute sticks with all children on the floor. Turn on  Tap the sticks alternating between the macrobeat for the verse and microbeat on the refrain. 4. Stay on the same motion for a few verses to see if any of the children copy you. Start with banging the floor. You can do the […]

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