
Musical activities: Say, “Rain, Rain, Splash!” using the opening movement below. Repeat several times. The children may respond to any part of this or just watch and absorb. Opening movement:   Pat lap    pat lap    lift hands high and shake hands down (all of these movement happen on “1.”)   1 – 2         1 – 2 […]

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This Ball

Musical activities: Turn on Tap different body parts on each verse while singing nonsense syllables. Alternate movement between the macrobeat and microbeat. Distribute balls about halfway through the music, and let the children explore. Incorporate ball variations as you visit each child. Choose a variation appropriate to their developmental readiness. Collect balls. Note: Be prepared−once […]

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Sandy Land

Musical activities: Sing one verse with each child. Make my livin’: Clap and rock to the macrobeat Raise potatoes: Pat one fist on floor to the macrobeat Paint: Sweep arms up and down the child’s back to the macrobeat Bake: Slide hands on lap to the macrobeat Wash: Make circles with your palms on back […]

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Wee Willie Winkie

Musical activities: Distribute sticks or jingle bells. Turn on Tap the sticks or shake jingle bells alternating between the macrobeat for the verse and microbeat on the refrain throughout this aeolian song. Continue a cappella with changes in dynamics: sing loudly on the verse with a matching movement, contrasted with soft singing on the refrain […]

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The Beehive

Musical activities: Vocal play: follow lesson plan 26 encouraging all children to participate. Make your beehive. Recite the rhyme and move as instructed in lesson plan 26. Repeat rhyme using a soft voice and complimentary rocking. Use a loud voice on “they’re alive” with big movements. Rhythm patterns Observe children imitating or responding to the […]

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Out and About

Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Everyone choose an instrument and play freely to the music. This will encourage improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Very young infants: Tap to the beat on their legs. Collect instruments.  

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Ging Gong Gooli

S&S: Beat/Rhythm–2, Creative Movement–2 [/ssbaby] Musical activities: Wiggle with one child throughout a repetition of the song.Tickle the child on “got ya” for an added surprise. Explore space: wiggle up high waving fingers and tickle top of head on “got ya,” wiggle down low and give a hug on “got ya,” wiggle and tickle bellies for […]

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In the Ring

Musical activities: Distribute shakers. Turn on Verse: Shake your chickitas on the macrobeat and sing the song. Encourage all children to join in. Create a new way to play on every repetition of the verse. Refrain (show me a motion): Choose a different body part to tap each time. Observe chidlren’s responses. Continue a cappella […]

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The Beehive

Musical activities: Vocal play: Make two bees by pinching index and thumb together on each hand. Fly bees around, making a buzzing sound. Stop on your shoulder. Repeat stopping on a different place. Cover one fist with the other making a beehive. Rock beehive side to side on microbeat. Recite this triple meter rhyme. Raise […]

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Letting Go

Musical activities: Reach up high and wiggle fingers. Seated children: reach up with the familiar “so big” movement. Crouch down and find your toes to explore low space. Stand up, and pat your belly for middle space, saying, “Ha, ha, ha!” Pick up a scarf and accompany with complimentary voice play.• High: scarves can be […]

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