Five Little Pumpkins

Musical activities:  Lead the activity as in week 5. Audiate the dialogue. For example, say “the first one said” and silently think “oh my it’s getting late!”. The first time through, put one finger to your lips to remind the children to think instead of speak. Ignore mistakes as the children learn to do this. Repeat. Audiate the first […]

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Playin’ on My Drum

Musical activities: Tap to the macrobeat on the floor as you sing: I’m playin on the floor… Tap to the microbeat for the refrain (Boom, boom…) Tap your belly to the macrobeat while singing the verse. Tap to the microbeat on the refrain. Rock side to side and replace the lyrics with nonsense syllables. Distribute drums. Turn on Play your drum […]

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Owl and the Cuckoo

Musical activities: Tap your lap as you sing the song. Ask the children what animal is in the song and share a picture of the cuckoo bird. Invite two or more children to play the part of the cuckoo. The other children will be the narrator, remaining in the circle. Narrators sing the first part of the […]

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Walk to the Park

Musical activities: All stand up. Turn on or lead with guitar. Use large movement variations for each new verse in the song. Pause briefly and explain found sounds. Use found sound variations as follows: • Find a good accompaniment (ex: stomp your feet, tap pencils together, tap on the legs of a chair). Sing: “Oh, oh, oh […]

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Lima Lima

Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Tap to the macrobeat (big) during the first verse and the microbeat (little) on the refrain. Continue using finger cymbal variations, and invite children to share their ideas for movements and nonsense syllables. Partner up and sit cross-legged, facing each other. Tap your partner’s cymbals as you sing. Continue with several dyad variations. Ask for a volunteer child to […]

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Five Little Pumpkins

Musical activities: Count to five lifting a finger for each number. Act out the chant as follows: • Hold up five fingers and rock as you recite the first line. As you count each pumpkin, hold up the appropriate number of fingers. Continue to rock to the macrobeat (big) throughout. • Shake your head with your […]

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It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Musical activities: Sing a cappella while clapping your hands or sing accompanied with piano or guitar. Sway left and right while singing all of the children’s names where indicated.* Invite children to sing their names as you did in “Hello and Welcome.” Limited time? Sing goodbye to the boys, girls, teacher(s), and then into “So […]

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Hello and Welcome

Musical activities: Ask who wants to sing their own name today before beginning the song. There is no pressure to do this. The children will volunteer when they are ready. Sing the song as usual, allowing the volunteer soloists to perform when it is their turn.

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Lima Lima

Musical activities: Distribute finger cymbals. Turn on Lightly play the finger cymbals to the macrobeat keeping a safe distance from the child’s face, as the sound might be too much for them. On different verses play Peek-a-Boo with the cymbals. Variations: finger cymbals Shake the finger cymbals high over the child’s face at the end […]

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Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Everyone choose an instrument and play freely to the music. This will encourage improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Very young infants: Tap to the beat on their legs. Collect instruments.  

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