Sing Share

Musical activities: Review habits of good audience members. Ask the children if anyone would like to share a solo with the group today. They can sing any song they would like. There is no pressure. If no one wants to sing a solo, the children can help choose a song for the teacher to sing. […]

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Musical activities: This is a repeated activity. Select a piece of music of our own choosing. Be sure it has a clear beat. The children will play freely to the music encouraging improvisation and movement to the beat and rhythms. Observe musical growth through children’s rhythmic responses, improvisation and instrument choices. Omit this if you […]

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Five Little Pumpkins

Musical activities: Follow the activities in lesson plan 6. Repeat, replacing pumpkins with other things:a. Squirrels raced out of sightb.Turkeys: gobbled out of sightc. Flowers: floated out of sightd. Roosters: crowed out of sight Ask the children for variations. Accept all ideas. Rhythm patterns Presentation ideas: music play

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Dancing Scarecrow

Musical activities: Show the children the scarecrow. Everyone stands up and moves like a scarecrow. Ask the children to describe how they moved. Was it bouncy? Heavy? Agree on a scarecrow movement and begin the song, making sure to emphasize the 6/8 meter with your movement. Repeat with different characters, such as a squirrel using low space, […]

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Market Dance

Musical activities: Distribute instruments. Turn on Shake the jingle bells to the microbeat (little) as the song is sung. Continue with jingle bell variations. Use a new variation at the start of every new verse. Be sure to include high, middle, and low spaces. Continue a cappella and ask children for their movement and nonsense […]

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Lots of Leaves

Musical activities: Scoop leaves with one hand, and say “ch, ch, ch”, taking up 3 of the 5 beats. Pat the leaves down with your other hand, and say “dee-dee” to the remaining 2 beats. Make a sound for the leaves falling to the ground. Repeat several times, making sure your movements fill the whole space of macrobeat. Switch sides. Allow […]

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Musical activities: Rock to the beat as the lullaby is sung. Repeat. Optional: Ask the children what they enjoyed most during music class today.

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Walk to the Park

Musical activities: Stand up. Turn on Walk, dance, twist, fly, etc during each verse of the song. Sing a cappella, and alternate between piano and forte on each of the verses. Ex: Let’s tippy-toe, Let’s stomp and stomp, let’s creep along, let’s jump and jump. Play the Dynamics Game: Hold up or point to the piano sign and tap quietly on the […]

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Fire Call

Musical activities: Stand and sound your fire siren. Race around the room as you sing the refrain. “Freeze.” Say, “Be my echo!” Sing, and act out the verses as below. • “Get on the fire gear”: put jacket on  • “Get on the truck”: climb up the ladder • “Sound that siren”: circle arm above […]

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Playin’ on My Drum

Musical activities: Distribute instruments and Play the drum as in week 5. Tap to the macrobeat during the verse. Each time the refrain is repeated (Boom, Boom…) tap to the microbeat. Continue using drum variations, such as driving, spinning, wearing a hat, etc. Observe the children’s use of spacing. Be sure to model proper spacing. Sing a cappella. Show the difference in the spacing between verse and refrain. Improvise. • […]

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