St. Patrick’s Day Musical Fun:  Engaging Activities for Preschoolers

St. Patrick’s Day Musical Fun: Engaging Activities for Preschoolers

I love celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with my classes. Children come to school dressed in green, the leprechaun creates some silly magic, and we have a fun-filled day of learning! Of course, this is also a day that requires active classroom management and creativity to foster the types of engagement we want. Below, you’ll find fun, developmentally appropriate St. Patrick’s Day music activities for preschoolers that will have your students singing, dancing, and playing along!

Sing and Move: I’m a Little Leprechaun

I use this twist on the classic “I’m A Little Teapot” as the first activity in music class or during circle time. It also works well for an activity during the Kindergarten Morning Meeting.

Lyrics & Motions:

I’m a little leprechaun, (point to self and bounce to the beat)

Short and stout, Here are my shamrocks, (wiggle with hands in front as shamrocks)

Wiggling about.

When I get all ready, (rock side to side with arms above head)

Hear me shout, I’ll find my pot of gold, (start spinning)

And spin all out! (fall to floor)

End with an ascending, “Whooop!” as you stand back up to repeat or transition to the next activity.


Dance and Celebrate: Dance A Merry Dance

children dance and celebrateBoy under parachutePreschoolers love to move, and St. Patrick’s Day is a perfect excuse to get them up and dancing! Movement based activities, such as Dance a Merry Dance, help young children develop motor skills, coordination, and body awareness and build foundational music skills. Although this song is Canadian, our co-founder Marilyn rewrote the lyrics to give it an Irish feel.

Song Sheet: View Song Sheet | MP3: Listen on Songbox

St. Patrick’s Day Music Props

One of the simplest ways to make a seasonal adaptation is with the color of your props.

A quick swap of the colors you use in class can make things feel extra special for young children.

St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Craft: A Musical Band

musical band preschool craft Making your own instruments is an ideal craft for St. Patrick’s Day! They allow children to build fine motor skills and build self-confidence as the children make music with custom-created instruments!
The most important (and sometimes most challenging) part is to let the children create the instruments the way they want to. Some may use only two beans in their instruments while others stuff theirs to the brim.

There is a significant benefit to allowing children to make these choices. In addition to fostering independence and autonomy, the different instruments will create different sounds. Class discussions after the instruments are played might include comparing and contrasting different instruments, which is a higher level thinking experience and a wonderful opportunity for ear-training and building vocabulary.

DIY Instrument Ideas: Use materials you already have in your classroom to create instruments that tie into the holiday. Some ideas:

  • Shamrock Shakers: Fill plastic eggs with beans, then decorate with stickers and colored masking tape. (Adult support will be needed to seal the eggs. Supervise the beans carefully, as they can be a choking hazard.)
  • Rainbow Percussion: Use cardboard tubes or empty containers with colorful construction paper and lids. Fill them with different materials (beans, rice, bottle tops, etc) to create a variety of sounds. Shake or tap to play.
  • Pot of Gold Drums: Paint empty food containers to look like pots of gold. Flip them over and tap to make drums.

Preschool Improvisation Session: kids selecting instruments

  • Form a classroom band! Play along with recorded music or play a capella.
  • Allow volunteers to share their favorite rhythms or sounds.
  • Ask which sounds they like best and invite them to try recreating them.
  • This is the ideal preschool music performance opportunity – no pressure and lots of fun!

Pot of Gold Sound Source Game

Enhance preschool auditory discrimination skills with this game! How to Play:

  1. Set out a large “pot of gold” on the floor during your classroom improvisation.
  2. Children play along with the music and decide which instrument creates the best accompaniment. They add that instrument to the pot.
  3. At the end of the song, have children close their eyes or turn around.
  4. Play an instrument, and have children guess which instrument you played. Increase cognitive complexity by asking: What clues did you hear that told you what it was?

For older children, extend this into creating their own composition using their chosen instruments.

Final Thoughts

St. Patrick’s Day music and movement activities   These St. Patrick’s Day music and movement activities are sure to bring joy, creativity, and learning to young students. By integrating music into your holiday celebrations, you support early childhood development while making lasting memories.


  • Author: Kim Zenyuch, Curriculum Writer & Editor

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