Twinkle Little Light

S&S: Instrument Play–1, Beat/Rhythm–4, Vocal–6

Musical activities: 

  1. Distribute shakers. Turn on
  2. Raise arms overhead, shake the shakers, and rock to the macrobeat (big) through the “Twinkle, Twinkle” introduction.
  3. Shake to the microbeat (little) throughout one repetition of the song.
  4. Transfer the beat to your knees, toes or tummy, etc. switching to macrobeat (big) on the repeat.
  5. Select a new movement and alternate between the microbeat (little) and macrobeat (big) with each new repetition.  Choose a new shaker variation at the start of every microbeat (little). The children can be a springboard for new variations. Observe carefully.
  6. Repeat step two for the final repetition. Turn off the music and continue a cappella.
  7. Replace lyrics with nonsense syllables in subsequent repetitions encouraging the children to join in.
  8. Incorporate more variations with the shakers, if time.
  9. Collect shakers.