Fire Call

S&S:Vocal2, Creative Movement–5

Musical activities:

  1. Form two parallel lines. Briefly review dance steps before starting the song.
  2. Circle your arm above your head and sound your siren. Observe carefully to ensure the children are using healthy technique.
  3. Walk toward each other during the first line.
  4. Walk back to your place when the line repeats.
  5. Act out the verse as you did week 8: For each phrase, act out the movements indicated in the lyrics:
    • Get on the fire gear: Pretend to put on a jacket
    • Get on the truck: Use your arms to climb up
    • Sound that siren: Circle your arm above your head
    • Gotta hurry up: Use your arms to show running.
  6. Repeat entire song several times.
  7. End with the refrain and sirens.